I'm calling all of those wanna~be~bloggers out there!!!
rrrrriiiiiiiiinnnggg ~ rrrrriiiiiiiiinnnggg
Those of you who are thinking about starting your own blog...
Those of you who stalk and lurk your favorite blogs and long to be part of this beautiful family of {crazy} friends.
Those of you who think..."wow, I'd love to share my inspiration and let others know that I love what they share too."
Those of you who may be scared to stick your foot out there and leave a comment...
It's time I write this post is for you!
***And for all of my {crazy} friends who are already blogging, DON'T YOU DARE leave from here as I'm begging you to help these wanna~be~bloggers too!!! Stick with me 'til the end, okay?? ;)
So I'm going to break the ice here...
I've been blogging for almost 2 years now, but my love for blogging probably started in 2007. I love to look back and remember how I felt when I first learned what a "blog" was, gosh...I was so amazed. Before I knew it, I had a stack of favorite blogs that I stalked daily. I was so fascinated with the stories, the photos, and the places they took me to. Before I knew it, I was spending hours and hours reading past posts and anxiously awaiting new ones. For about a year, I had saved my favorite blogs in "my favorites" and I check them daily...sometimes 3 times a day...or more, waiting to see what they would post about next. It was like an unending non-fiction book that I just couldn't put down. (sigh)...those were the days :)
So what's new after 3 years? {smile} Things are still the same, only a "little" different. I'm still that same always-amazed girl, anxiously reading my favorite blogs, meeting new friends and yet...trying to find the time for me to post on my own blog! ;)
With so much on my plate at any given time of the day, I take for granted that not everyone who reads my blog has a blog of their own.
Within the past month, I have met several new friends in particular, all of which want to start their own blog, or at least they are thinking about doing so. These are fascinating women and have come to me to help them get started in this wonderful world of blogging... this wonderful world of friendship, fun and inspiration. {sigh} I just love it here :)
These women were my inspiration for writing this post :)
So hopefully...you will be meeting Sheri, Mary, Beth and maybe Vickie??? here in blogland shortly! :)))
I had a total flashback of myself as I remember at first, I didn't know where to start either. I remember feeling so overwhelmed and thinking..."Can I really do this?"..."I am so not computer savvy"..."I can't compare to these wonderful people out here"..."Will anybody ever read me?"..."I don't know an 'html' from a LOL!"...and believe me, I thought about many more horrendous things, thinking I'd never get the hang of it.
How was I ever going to cross over into this new world?
Well, those thoughts were thrown over the bridge the minute I got the courage to leave ONE comment and say...
"Suzanne, I must be honest here as I've never ever left a comment before and I've been stalking your beautiful blog for the past 9 months and one day when I grow up, I want to be just like you."
Then the heavens opened up...
I heard glorious music...
Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
And on that very same day, I received an email from Suzanne of Pink Roses and Other Passions.
I thought I had died and HE was comin' to get me, but instead...it was my angel Suzanne with her arms open wide, welcoming me into blogland :)
She said, "Let's do it girl, I'll help you!" and the rest is history!! I was online in less than 24 hours! oh, it was obvious that I was a newbie, but that didn't matter...I had my own new space to call my own.
Like the saying goes..."Build it and they will come."
I started my little blog in June of 2008 and haven't shut up since! I've brought you with me to places all over the world and showed you my wild little family. I brought you with me to garage sales, my favorite stores, and I even showed you all of my favorite junk. You sometimes visit me in your pajamas and play with me in my studio and you've shared with me my most exciting moments. And all along, it's been fun! But! I want to see your world too! Take me away too...please! ;)
So today, I'm going to clear off my plate and try to be the best angel that I can be in helping you start your own blog...
Now remember though, I've only been blogging for 2 years...
I've never written a book on it, nor have I ever given a tutorial on it. I'm just giving MY advice, the priceless tried~ and~true advice that was so sweetly handed down to me long ago.
Ready? Let's do it! I'll pull you along!!! ;)
1 ~ Think of a name that FITS you as a title name of your blog.
Think of it as a name that is as important as a tattoo...A name that will follow you until death! ;)
This will be your blog title.
(example: mine is everything vintage)
2 ~ Decide what blogger program you will use.
There are many blog sites such as TypePad, Wordpress, Blogger, etc. As far as I know, many of them charge a fee, except for Blogger. It is totally FREE. Don't you just love that word, FREE? (music to my ears)
Search Yahoo or Google for the above sites and weigh out the pros and cons for which ever best suits YOUR needs or wants.
3 ~ Create an account.
Once you settle on which blog site to use, then you will have to create an account.
I STRONGLY ADVISE YOU TO USE YOUR NAME as your blog address, whether it be your first name, last name, full name or whatever is still available.
(example: mine is jodielejeune.blogspot.com)
And my reasoning for this is...see number 1 above? Just in case you didn't take me serious about deciding on a name for your blog FOR LIFE and you decide to change it down the road, your blog address will still always be your name instead of something you fell out of love with years from now.
Sometimes I am smart...not often, but sometimes :)
4 ~ Get comfy with the template, the background, and the site.
Go ahead, it's your space, you can decorate it as you wish. (decorating is the fun part) You can make it whatever background, color, font, etc...this is YOUR blog! And, if you don't know what an html is (like me)...hire someone to do it for you (like Valentine Design)
5 ~ Write Write Write until your heart is content.
But you HAVE to show us photos! haha Just kidding...but we do love photos! No one sees what happens behind closed doors so you can let us in when you want and you control what we see. It's totally up to you on what you put out here.
You can write everyday, every other day, or once a week...it's totally up to you and your schedule. There's no expectations.
My advice about writing is to keep it real and keep it positive!
6 ~ There are NO RULES.
Isn't that cool? The best part about having your own blog is that you are the author of the life you create! (That is my quote that I came up with when I first started blogging and live by it today).
7 ~ Have FUN!
The most important thing about blogging is to have fun. When it becomes a 'job' or a 'chore'...back off and take a break. Everyone understands when that is necessary and I promise you, we will still love you when you come back. Upon your return, you will be rejuvenated and full of wonderful things to share.
It's amazing how one can grow and learn, right from the computer chair. I know I have, thanks to the wonderful people who have helped me along my learning journey and those that are still helping me today! Everyday is a new lesson, a new growth and most of all, something new to share.
So to the wanna~be~bloggers out there, I hope that I've at least made you feel at home and welcomed here and if there is anything you need at all, do not hesitate to leave me a comment or email me.
And do you see all of those fabulous blogs on my side bar? Well, I'm sure they will be more than happy to welcome you too and answer any questions you may have.
***To all my {crazy} friends who already have a blog and stayed until the end of this post,
I'm asking a favor from you...
Please leave a comment and some blogging advice for those who are thinking about getting started. You may think of something that I didn't cover here and may have a link that they can go to for further information.
You know how scary it once was for you too, so hopefully together we can welcome new friends and get them online!!! Plus, feel free to forward this post to those who you know who might be thinking of getting started. Thanks in advance guys! :)
Oh this was so much fun! Good luck, have fun and THANK YOU!
let's grow TOGETHER!!!
I love you! And your blog! Not in a crazy/stalker way - but in a "you are so awesome!" way!
Favorite part? "no rules" and your quote you just came up with! LOL
You are awesome - I have nothing to add - but I will backup...
Have FUN!!! And it is so AMAZING... life in blogland! The friends, the fun... all of it!
Dear Jodie,
What a good and sweet advise you give here. And every word you have written is so recognizable. I have nothing to add. Blogging is making life so sparkling. And everyone is so nice and sweet. I have wrote about my beginning of blogging in my last post, and I added a giveaway. So for those who hesitate, come and see how I love blogging too, and make your own blog. And meet new friends, like I met you Jodie.
Hugs, Ester
Wonderful advice Jodie!
I have been blogging just over a year now and have met so many lovely people. You say to "keep it real" and I totally agree...I try to be unpretentious and always honest. And, probably most important is to always be kind...imagine yourself the reader...from a place anywhere in the world...be respectful...before you hit the publish button!
One of the best things about blogging is that it crosses age barriers and economic barriers and you meet people that you may not ever have the opportunity to meet in real life...
Remember...to have fun!
Great post Jodie...kind and generous as always!
Jodie I stayed until the end do I get extra points? no?? Oh I get to help a newbie!! Ok glad too. I have had blog for over a year but no one but me read it...then I went 'public' as the saying goes last November and my life has changed. I love blogging, the friends and the fun. I do it my way on my schedule and since over 100 of you like me (really you do?) it seems to work. I will help anyway I can just let me know.
Linda @ A La Carte (and yes make sure you love your Blog name...I know I love mine)
Oh and Jodie...you are the best!!
Oh how sweet Jodie! I read all the way to the end and you covered it well. One thing you have to do is just go for it and don't be scared. I followed my niece for a while before I started my own. OH MY GOODNESS, blogging has been so good for me. I have so many friends, like you, that I never ever knew. So for those of you who are thinking about creating your own blog, from one who WAS where you are... DO IT! It is amazing! We will all welcome you and help you along the way. Hugs to you Jodie for this wonderful "How To"! Can't wait to see you next week:) Have a blessed day my friend!
Oh - what a great post Jodie. I so follow you - starting a blog is the best I have ever done. Blogland is just so amazing and I love everyday in it.
My advice would be: don´t be scared and don´t think no one will read what you write - someone WILL read and follow and you´re going to meet the most beautiful and wonderful blog friends in here - just like our Jodie here.
Wishing you a wonderful and blessed day Jodie
xo Tina
I am laughing about Linda staying till the end and waiting for her extra points...hehehe...
You are definately the blogging angel, you are just the best.
Hi ... just read your post, and it was very well put together!
I already have a blog..it began in January 2010, and I even started a supplemental one just for fun!!!!
..and I'm truly enjoying the sharing that goes on here in blogland.
once you get into it, it becomes such a part of your daily routine that you will wonder what you ever did before!
great advice, great job!
ciao bella
creative carmelina was here!
oh ya, I used to have that same old phone...then I sold it...
now, seeing it again. ... i miss it!
yikes....be careful what you part with! right!
ciao bella
creative carmelina
What a truly lovely post that I wish I had read when I was starting blogging! You've given some wonderful advice and a shoulder to lean on. Great job.
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
Spring Shabby Apple Dress giveaway
Okay...this is from someone who just changed the title of her blog and now it does not match her blog address. So you gave good advice about using your name as the address. Lesson learned and I'll live. LOL!
You are such a sweetheart to help the blogger want to be's out there. We were all one at one time. I still remember my first blogging contact... Martha's favorites and watched both here and my blogs grow and blossom. And I am ever still trying to make it better. Have a great week!
Great post Jodie! The only thing I have to add is: make sure your blog is open to comments, this might be obvious, but the other day someone new asked me something and I couldn't respond and she asked in her blog: 'How do people find me? Why does nobody write a message here?' Well because she closed comments that's why. So if anybody out there started a blog and has questions, you can always ask me and probably anyone else up here, but I can only speak for myself of course. I will happy to help any new blogger. My email adress can be found on my profile page, just click my name. And that might be another tip: make sure that other bloggers who mean well can reach you by giving your email adress in a hidden way like on your profile page. As contacts between bloggers are the cherries on the cake in my opinion.
Well done Jodie!!
I'm also passionate about blogging and want others to share the feeling, sugar. Hence, I've put up a blogging tutorial "Page" on my blog up under my header. I get nothing from it, chickee, just satisfaction I'm helping others.
BTW, your blog is darling!!!!
Well Jodie you are the reason I have a blog now. Since SB you have prodded me to do it and I finally sat down and with the help of my frined Tina (more peer pressure) I have one.
There are lots of free sites that have cool backgrounds too...so just look around. It really easy to grab one and make your blog as individual as you!!
Great advice about the name....I didnt do that but I love my blog name.
Those that dont have a blog....if you make one...they will come and leave comments.
And yes we do LOVE pictures!!
I was expecting these pics to be on the post of this weekend haha you lil sneak! ;)
But my advice to other bloggers and future bloggers would be BE YOURSELF BE HAPPY WITH WHO YOU ARE NO MATTER WHATS "IN" Dont change what you like or how you do things! also I am calling the kettle black here but go visit other peeps get to know other people and others will come to know you! I think that covers it now back to the blog~~~~~~~ Now you better post on our weekend haha... you just dont know what hell ive been through the last two days with my computer and the whole time I was so excited cuz I finally get to see what ya posted about our weekend and I was even there hahahahhaha oh well Im all jacked up on mountain dew(aka water for me BOOOOO) kinda hyper. okay im done now heres my box! hehe big hugs
A great post and great tips too, Jodie! My best advice is to make sure you're blogging because it taps into your happiness or your creative side, and to not do it to become "famous" or for comments. I myself get few comments and I'm very small in a sea of bloggers, but I don't blog for "others" I blog because I enjoy it creatively and because the people who do come and leave comments have become my friends! Start small and be patient, and your blog and your blogging style will evolve and grow! Suzie
(What a great idea! My good friend Katie (Ragamuffin Gal) has helped me so much but there's still lots I don't know so I'll be reading yours too. Thanks, Jan
Great post, Jodie! I've been blogging for over 2 years now and love every minute of it.
My advice would be to visit other blogs and leave comments when you like a post. The more comments you make, the more other bloggers will come to visit YOU and leave comments. That is a good way to build a readership. The golden rule really applies here.
I don't mean to indiscriminately leave comments. Most of us read other blogs and were inspired by them before we finally took the leap and started our own. So, if you're a lurker, take a moment and tell the blogger how much you enjoy the blog. It means so much to the blogger and will mean as much to you when you start posting.
Well, my very first time here, you were giving advice, and I remember that I was so impressed with your generosity - then and now.
OK, my best advice - stay true to yourself, and your interests. And good luck - you'll meet lots of lovely people as you blog!
Well my Dear - you are just the busy bee!
My advice - well, first off - you gals are REALLY FORTUNATE to have Jodie tooting your horn already. Because I think the funnest thing about sharing something special on your blog, is reading the comments you receive! And in order for people to read you - your name has to get out there. And having Miss Jodie do that for you is HUGE! Because we all love Jodie!!!
I've found a few that I think are extra special over my 15 months of blogging, and by just introducing them to the people that read my blog, people go visit them and then the new blogger gets comments and then they get REALLY EXCITED . . . and the rest is history.
I can guarantee you ladies, after your first 5 posts, it'll be old news! And you 'll just keep playing around, learning new things. ASK QUESTIONS! If you see something you like on another blog - ASK THEM! 9 times out of 10 they'll answer. (Unless they have like 1000 followers and don't have time.) Most of us are very happy to help.
Know that you will develope your own "clientele". We don't all like the same thing. Some people only want to look at pictures and ignore what you write. Other people read every word religiously - like we did on Jodi's here today - just cause we love her and when she asks us to chill thru it - we will.
And ladies, fasten your seat belt because you are in for a ride! You are going to wonder "What did I do before my world of blogging opened?" You are going to go places, meet people and learn things that you never dreamed of.
Who would think that just because we liked each other's studios, and said hello to each other, and found we have a lot in common, that we'd be getting on an airplane to travel across the entire country to share a hotel room with someone we met thru blogging? That's what I'm doing next week. I'm meeting the INFAMOUS MISS JODIE - OWNER OF SOPHIE - the most awesome dress form ever - to attend a 3 day art retreat in Savannah GA!
Can you say excited? I am!
And all because of a weird little word . . . "BLAWG!"
Who the heck knew!
Good luck ladies. I'll be visiting each of you soon!
:) Hugs! Karen - Some days are diamonds
OK Jodie - how'd I do?
Oh, Jodie--you're just wonderful! Your posts make me happy--and that's really what it's all about, future blog sisters! Spreading a little joy in our own unique way....
...you just have to kind of jump in--the water might be a little cold at first, but you get used to it REALLY quick, and then you just float along and love it!
Like Jodie said, there's really no rules...no blog police to make sure you're "doing it right"--this is YOUR voice, your passion, your vision...have fun!
Thanks for this, Jodie! I've only been blogging since last August, and I really don't know what I was waiting for--what a wonderful bloggy world this is! So many beautiful friends to make all over the world (like Jodie!) that we would never meet otherwise!
Can't wait to meet the rest of you!
(Phew! That was long-winded of me!)
That's really sweet of you to offer encouragement. I could've used a little nudge when I started. I still stalk Suzanne. *chuckle* :)
I love your blog and also that you give a kick in the pants to those of us who spend so much time looking at other people's blogs that we forget we have one of our own. :-)
Jane T
i'm totally taking partial credit for this post. me an her talked about this while i was in for spring break!
great post too.
love ya mom,
Great post, Jodie!!!
My advice would be- be afraid to comment, but DO it anyway!!!! Nothing I can say will make you not afraid to leave a comment- especially when you're stuck in the oh-my-god-this-person-is-so-(insert: busy, talented, famous, or just plain Awesome!!)-they'll-never-notice-me... Chances are, 80% of the time, that person will write you back! Then you've made a new friend!! Just like that :) And if they don't write you back and you're down, just think of it this way: Your taking time to comment made someone else's day Brighter!!
There's my advice :)
ONE WEEK, Jodie!!!! One Looooooong WEEK!!! :)
I just found your blog and it was music to my ears. I started my blog a couple of weeks. Only posted once. I feel like no one out there we find me. Thank you for the inspiration.
Messed up my comment. Let's try this again.
Wonderful post, sweet Jodie.
As it is a daunting time starting out wondering if anyone will come and visit you or be interested with what you have to say.
This is so kind of you to do this for the new, maybe bloggers.
You think of everything and everybody and you are always so kind and lovely.
Thanks Jodie, and all I can add to new blog friends, have fun and set up one today.
Happy week
toooooo cute that your son posted a comment Jodie...my sons like to pretend that i do not have a blog...LOL...LOVE this post...i wish someone had done a post like this before i took the plunge...maybe i would have a better name...*scream*...blogger wouldn't let me use my own name (already taken in the form i wanted it}...so my blog name was from a collage i had just made for my mom...oh, well...let's see if i have any pearls of wisdom...
1} just do it:) your blog doesn't have to be perfect...goodness knows mine was a hot mess when i started...and it still isn't exactly like i would want it to be...
2} i agree with this 100%, ask questions from bloggers you admire...i have had a lot of help along the way, most girls are super sweet and helpful...i am always happy to help as much as i can when someone has a question...
3} you do NOT have to be computer savvy to start a blog...i knew next to nothing when i started...you will be amazed how much you learn along the way...
4} if you want people to visit you, you have to make an effort to visit others...some people won't visit you back, but most will...try to connect with other bloggers who like the same things that you do...those people will be more likely to come and see what you are doing...
5} HAVE FUN...blogging is not a contest...just be yourself...and share what you love...
6} to me, pictures are important on a blog...and i like when they are big...i am getting older and my eyes don't work as well as they used to...LOL...you DO NOT have to have the best camera out there to take a nice picture...i should know this...LOL...my camera is old...no bells or whistles...thank goodness for that macro button...and FREE photo editing by picaso and picnik...good lighting helps too...
i think that's it...but i will reiterate...i am always happy to help anyone who has questions...if you get a deluge of email about this post Jodie...you can forward some to me:)
That was a great post. I think you covered everything. I have been blogging almost three years and there are lots of things I still don't know. One of the things I like the best is trying new things. When I first started I was afraid I would mess up something so was hesitant to even try things like videos or slide shows. I still lose things sometimes but I just keep on trying. Your new blog is beautiful.
Blogland is the most amazing place to fall into!!!! I LOVE IT!!!!!! I have made some wonderful friends! Love your BE POSITIVE Jodie. I sooooooooo agree. Nobody likes a sour puss. And the other advice is visit & COMMENT on other blogs. And if they have good blog manners they will come back & visit/comment with you. That's how friendships start! GOOD LUCK to all those starting out & THANKS Jodie for giving them the nudge. HUGSS Charlene
Hi Jodie,
My entire life has changed since I started blogging. I feel as though I now have the chance to be myself, express myself and write about the things I love.
Bloggers are the best people in the world. And so are you to give such wonderful advice and encouragement for those who just might be ready to take the first step.
The best advice that I received when I started blogging was to join Secrets In the Sauce (SITS) and network from there. It helped me a great deal.
I encourage people all the time to start a blog and I hope that someday they will.
My advice...listen to everything Jodie said and just do it! It truly is that easy or I wouldn't be typing my little heart out.
Be yourself and don't try to imitate someone else. You'll find your place in the sun and will shine when you're real.
Ask questions...really! Everybody has little tricks to make it easier...just ask.
Find a mentor (like Jodie) who will take you around and introduce you to the neighbors. This helps so much in establishing some new friends and makes it much easier to connect.
Remember to tell Jodie thank you for this great post!
P.S. Jodie...this was one of your best posts yet. You are my shero!
Thank you for this wonderful post and all the encouragement you have given me since I started my blog (just a few weeks ago!). If all of you ladies are reading this, I am one of the souls out there that need your help! When I found blogging, I knew immediately that I had to be a part of this wonderful group of ladies. Where have you all been all my life?! I look forward to blogging with all of you. I have learned so much in such a short time and can't wait to "pretty up" my blog. Jodie,thanks again for being a great mentor. :)
You're so wonderful. I'm pinching my nose. I'm squinting my eyes. I'm looking out into that big river called Blogging. And one day soon, I'm going to take a big, deep breath and jump in.
Thank you, Jodie.
You are amazing, Miss Jodie! What a wonderful post and well said! I don't think you left ANYTHING out, other than, JUST DO IT!!! The world has expanded tenfold, but my blogging experiences and oh, the friends I've made!
P.S. One more try...please, please, please come play with us in CA this summer! (OK..I'm done!)
Dang Jodie,
Just when I can't think your any cooler, you go & post this! Yes, I read the 'whole thing'! My first thought is, 'where were you when I first started?' I coulda used your advice, especially #4 your blog address. Your story took me back 3 years, my first stumbled across blog was Karla's Cottage & she's on my blogroll today. In fact I think I can call her a friend. That is what blogging did for me. I was a droolin' fan & now the girl emails me! And what's even better is, she is just like you & me. My best advice would be to be yourself. Don't worry what people will think. And the upbeat part. For me that's important. We all have stress in real life, who wants to read about it? I go to blogs to be inspired, to learn about people & places & to make friends. Love ya Sister! Lisa
Okay, too cool that Brett left a comment!
April 13, 2010 11:39 PM
Hi Jodie, aren't you sweet! I think what helped me with my posts is keeping a little notebook where I could write ideas. I didn't post a lot before because I would sit in front of my laptop and think, now what am I going to write today? And I couldn't think of a thing! But when I am not in front of my laptop, I think of so many things to post- the thing now is to find the time to do it!
Hi Jodie, There couldn't be any better kind of encouragement for your friends! I had been reluctant myself to start my own blog but I'm more than happy that I did it because it opened a new, wonderful world for me. I wouldn't want to miss any of the dear friends I made here in blogland besides all the other fun it brings, like getting sweet comments.
Ladies, please listen to Jodie! Even if you are not computer savy you will manage to open up a blog and you'll learn everything else soon. There will always be a lot of supporting girls around who will help you with any questions you might have. You'll see that you will have lots of fun!
Jodie (and Brett) what a great post!!! You are awesome girl! I remember the first time I pushed the publish button and then no one showed up. lol My advice would be not to get discouraged when nobody comes by for awhile. It takes awhile for folks to find us when we first start up. I kept on writing for myself, and that is pretty much what I do to this day. I write things that I would love for my children and extended family to read about me when I'm gone. When I write, it is always from the heart and often times things that I feel deeply and most of my face to face friends don't get to see, cause I am always joking around in real life and seldom ever get serious. I love your advice on keeping it on the positive side. If I am ever tempted to write a post with some negativity in it, I always ask myself first...will I still feel like this tomorrow? Usually I won't, so I don't.
Well that was long winded wasn't it? But you asked for it. hehe
Hi Jodie! All I have to say is that I waited too long to start my blog! Your directions are easy to follow, your words are welcoming and encouraging and your kind heart is evident! All I can say is don't wait any longer ~ there is too much fun and satisfaction to miss!!
Hi sweet Jodie!!! What a truly WONDERFUL post girl!!! I love encouraging women to blog and join our precious circle of friends...to experience the encouragement, the caring and the amazing inspiration. Stop peeking in the window, come on in ~ you will be welcomed with open arms!!!! Plus, it's so much easier than you think!!! hugs and love, Dawn
This is wonderful!! I think I'll pass along a link to your blog to my cousin who has been thinking of starting a blog. I just pointed her towards blogger, but you provided the most wonderful tips and instructions! ♥
Hope you're having a blessed week,
Can you create some kind of a button for a sidebar just for this post link? I think it would be great to have for folks to click over here!
You'd think I made the news ... I saw my name and immideately BLUSHED! LOL
Tight blog hug and a sweet suga on the cheek....Mwaaaah!
You are such a dear! I have only had my blog for a few months and I love it.I am so untechnical but I am learning a lot. My daughter set it up for us...anyone can come visit, OK?
Here is my question for you...I hate my address. The blog is called Katsui...and we do sell jewelry on Etsy and in a couple sales. But...it looks like I am selling jewelry on my blog! Can that be changed? My dd says it is impossible. I love the Katsui...for my daughter, Kat, and me, Sue/Suz. But I want to be Katsui, The Blog. Katsui was already taken....that was weird. Do you, or anyone else here, have an answer?
it was great stumbling upon your blog today, I wish I had read some tips like this before I started. I'm still very new, but I can see the benefit of using your own name in your address! Great suggestions.I'll definately be checking back in again and again...
Hi Jodie,
I just found your wonderful post via Karen Valentine. I love her blog and I'm sure I'm going to love yours too.
The only advice I could add (and it's purely an individual thing for me) is about blogger profiles. When I visit a new blog I really enjoy knowing where the blogger is from. Sometimes the writer tells you or there are obvious clues like language or pictures, but you would be amazed how often I have to read through past posts to find out. I know I'm probably the only person who finds this so important (LOL, I have a friend who says, "buttons" to me when I'm asking too many questions of others!!!), but I find it kinda 'kewl' to know where in the world the writer is. It's so true the we all live in a small world, especially if we use the internet, and 'Blogland' is a place where we can get together to share our loves and passions.
You're obviously an amazing person who inspires others to step outside their comfort zone to live life to the full. Congratulations and thanks for sharing.
Excellent post, Jodie! Way to go girl! May I direct people to this post? It is a super read for those getting started or wanting to start their own blog. Karen, from My Desert Cottage sent me over to check out your wonderful post. Again, thanks!
Robin's Egg Blues
hello, i found your blog through Karen's and i'm glad i did. one piece of advice i can give is that if you want people to find your blog, look for blogs which interest you and make blogger friends. leave comments so they can visit you back. blogland is full of wonderful people who share your interests and it is great to "travel" to different places right from your own room.
You make such a good point about having your blog address be your name not the blog's name. I so wish I would have done that when I created mine...
You are always so gracious and willing to help all of us whether it's on how to start a blog or taking better photos! Such a dear person....
What a great post this is. I can remember whenI fist started blogging...let's just say..bless my heart. Let me know if I can help out your friends in any way. ((hugs)) Susie
Thank you so much for letting me (and I'm sure thousands of others) that we are not alone in feeling totally inept on the blogging front. I just recently started my blog, and I am also no computer savy! I'm struggling, but learning something new everyday.
Seriously Jodie. How fun are you? That is a F, to the u, to the n, so fun. Thank you SO much for your comment, after only reading my profile. Ha. I have not posted anything, as I have been held in reserve. (who says that? “held in reserve”. Giggles, apparently I do)I’ve been setting things up…for about thr33 months now, shame. I was overjoyed to receive your comment and had to share it with my biggest fan, my sister. She has been nudging me to blog. She say’s I just have to put my bona fide personality out there. I have been afraid, oh excuse me- held in reserve, about doing so. Is anyone going to get me? I am authentic with my family and when I write. I am not utterly so with my friends or cows. I know …blog+freedom=me. Did I seriously just type that? Dork. So here I am dropping by your page to thank you and what do I see. You, blogging about wanna be bloggers. WHAT! The sequence of it all astounds me. As if it has all been arranged. Harp music! Beautifully written and encouraging. Cheering us on! Thank you for stimulating. This will be my first blog about “ Jodie’s got your back”. No relation to Shaq, wink.
Now dust your shoulders off.
Grins, Kristtie
Jodie my first time here I came in from Karen's in Arizona!You are so generous in writing this post because there are many who will read it and become inspired to begin! I do remember the first post I wrote..of course encouraged by my own friend. Up until then I did NOT know the word BLOG!!
I certainly agree with your advise in saying that a blog should NEVER be a 'job' or a 'chore'
I am a nature lover and gardener and started writing and posting about the wee nature friends that visit my garden telling stories of what I experienced what I see what I feel about the world that I see!
I was a mazed how many kindred spiritis from all around the globe were liked minded folks!! Friendships made I'd say is the best unexpected perk of blogging!
Oh I could go..but you said it best
"It's amazing how one can grow and learn, right from the computer chair." A pleasure to meet you!
Hi Jodie
Just found you blog for some odd reason... love it already and just read...yes all of it...your post on starting up. I have only been doing it under a year now but it has been such a positive experience. Because of blogging I will be in the next issue of Where Woman Create and I just got back from Round Top with Jo Packham becasue of the article... so you see what happens when you take a chance on something you might not be real comfortable with. I say just jump in the water is fine!
Many Blessings
Hi Jodie,
Thanks for the great post on starting a blog. I started a little over a year ago, and have really enjoyed it, even though in the last few months, I am finding it harder to find the time to post. I need to work on that.
Now, for my question: Where oh where if that need old 5 & dime store that is your favorite? Our kids live in Monroe, LA. Is it close? I thought maybe when we went to visit I could make a trip if it wasn't too far. It just looks amazing!! Could you let me know by commenting on my blog? I would really appreciate it!! Have a wonderful day! Linda @ Desires of the Heart.
What a brilliant post! You know I read on someone's post that LuLu publishing allows you to create tutorials from a post for free. This one is definitely noteworthy. Or perhaps you should send this in to Artful Blogging magazine...they would love this.
I am forever walking around telling people to blog, I even set their blogs up for them. This tutorial is fabulous. I am going to write something and link to here. I get so many people visiting me who do not have blogs yet.
Well done!!!! So nice to meet you.
Oh, back again. Why not create a badge for this post, so we can put the badge and link to this post. All bloggers would love to put this on their blog, I know I would. Don't you want everyone out there joining The Land of Blog?
Hi Jodie,
This is my first visit to your blog (it won't be my last!) I read the post on Karen's blog and hopped on over to see what you were up to. I couldn't agree more with your post! I have been been blogging for about 6 months now although, like you, my love for and desire TO blog started long before then! It took me a LOT of courage and encouragement to jump in there and go PUBLIC but once I did, I have not regretted it for one moment - blogging has opened up a whole new world of friendship, creativity, and possibilities for me - I STRONGLY encourage anyone who is thinking of it to give it a try!
My best advice is to just get started. Don't worry about having the perfect blog - just get started and grow it over time. If you have blogs that you follow and you like, see what it is that you like about them and use them as jumping off points when desigining your own space. Every one I have ever contacted with a question has been more than helpful - bloggers are such generous souls - most will bend over backwards to help you out!
DO comment on other people's blogs and DO follow - that is how friendships and connections form! You don't really appreciate how much that means until you create a blog of your own!
I wish the best to all of you who will begin your blogging journey as a result of Jodie's post. I invite you to stop by Create With Joy and share your links with me - I am always looking for Kindred Spirits to visit and connect with!
What a great post! It was my husband that really encouraged me to start. I'm so glad that he did! I have met some of the most wonderful women! The encouragement is endless.
WOW Jodie, Do you feel the Love or what! If I got this many comments I would not stop smiling for days.
Every thing you said is exactly right! especally the blog name!
I wish I would have given it more thought.
I don't right veri gud...! hehe if you know what I mean. But the more I blog the better I'm getting. a couple of more years and I'll have it down!! Your writing is just wonderful. You keep us all wanting more!
Thanks for the great Post!
I loved the photo also!
Miss Jodie,
Kudos to you! A little nudge in the blogging direction is perfect. I have never, ever, ever regretted starting my blog and admit I was scared to pieces to do so. I have made so many friends and you girls are right at the top of the list.
Blogging is fun a therapeutic. Yes, I find it therapeutic cause it's like your own little world where you can do and say anything you want . . . up to your hearts content. Also, seeing and reading what others have to say and what they're up to is very inspiring :-)
When I started my wee blog, I wasn't aware of the huge community of blogging people. I just wanted to write some thoughts and things. And so I started one. Yeah, I guess I'm not one who really thought of a name for my blog in the beginning. I had no idea that it would actually turned into this LOL BUt then slowly, I realized that there are actually people out there . . . very beautiful people who really are nice and supportive. And then I have grown to love the community.
All I can say is start a blog and write what you love . . . and then not be pressured about it. This is suppose to be your place - your haven. So everything goes and you stay happy. Do it for yourself first :-)How's that? :-)
JOdie what a great post. You have said it all so well. Hope we get lots of newbies in Blogland.
I want to THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!! I have never left you a comment, but this posting was my sign to just do it. I have been thinking of starting a blog for a while, and you gave me the courage to get out there. I wanted to say thanks and I appreciate the tips and links. I'm not sure how anyone will find me, but I am excited to see where this will take me. Thanks again!
:) Jami
Well, thanks to you Jodi, I did it!!! I started a blog 6 months ago and chickened out! I went bacl to it after reading your post and updated it and jumped right in! Thanks so much! It was your words of inspiration that did it for me. I "lurked" for a long time and admired so many bloggers out there and so desperately wanted to do it. So I did!! You are awesome!
okay, here is my advice---keep current on your blog and write way more often than I do!!!
Love you,
VictorianGypsy (who seems to spend about three fourths of her time falling off the moon)
Mesmo tendo o blog há algum tempo, estou sempre aprendendo, ainda tenho muitas dúvidas... Que bom poder contar com este espaço e suas ótimas orientações. Estarei sempre te visitando para aprender um pouco mais e também para fazer novas amizades.
Um grande abraço carioca!
Ok...I admit it... I am a "lurker"! I just found blog land recently and am so amazed at all the wonderful people out there. I spend so much time reading all the different blogs, I can't imagine writing one of my own.
Everyone is so encouraging. I have left a few comments on some blogs, but always felt kind of silly, because I don't have a blog of my own. Do you mind that someone without a blog leaves comments?
2 sweet years for this blogger, too!
can't even imagine life without my blog now. i was scared silly .. THOUGHT about starting a blog for AT LEAST a year prior to actually clicking that first 'publish post' ..
soooo glad i did.
i've changed up my header, my background, my 'style' more times than i can recount, but, hey, that's the fun of it.
i've learned so much. gained so much. evolved creatively SOOOO MUCH. i can honestly say that blogging has helped me to discover, and stay in touch with, my true 'me'.. .
such an interesting phenomenon...
so you think there are still folks out there without a blog yet??!!!!!
(sending this post to at least 3 of them right nOw!!!)
Hey Jodie!
I can't add anything that hasn't already been said, but I can tell you how awesome I think it is that you've written this. What a generous and selfless act!
I'll be more than happy to add the button linking to this post to my sidebar, I think this is an invaluable resource. :-)
Hi Jodie!!
I found you from sweet Karen Valentine. Oh, I do love the way you write and all your fabulous pictures...I have only been blogging about 9 months. I think the best advice I have learned is to post SOMEthing, if not every day, then at least 3x a week. I did everyday for a while, but that was just when I was doing Art Every Day Month. Boy. Was that fun AND a lot of work. The other thing I have learned is to respond to comments in a timely fashion. I LOVE my commenters!!
My question to you is, How does one go about building up followers?
thank for all the info!
Boy do I wish that I had had read this before I started my blog a few months ago! I would have really benefitted... AND done things differently...oh well! Who knew that you could actually goof up Blogstarting 101??
I love the tip about making your blog address your name. Wish that I had done that. I'd like to change my name ...(yep. You're right about that one too) but it might confuse both of my readers.
Great advice that I will pass along to some friends who have been contemplating the plunge!
Oh, and a great blog. I JUST found you and want to take some time to read more.
Thank you so much for writing this Jodie! I am one of "those" girls! Always lurking, drooling and admiring all the fab blogs out there but I have never mustered the nerve to start myself. I've set up a blogger account but that's as far as I've dared to go. Thanks for the inspiration, I think I'm finally ready to take the plunge!
I just started blogging in March even though i started my blog in 2005! I only posted 3 times before. I dont know what the H I am doing : ) but am having fun. This is a great post.
Jodie, look at you, busy as ever and still wanting to help out new bloggers!!! You are amazing girl!!!
I am still going around and catching up , man it's tough to be away for a week!!!
Margaret B
Hello, I am loving this blog! I just discovered blogging in December, and am loving it. It's like having your own special circle of friends.
My advice is to follow whatever suits your fancy and to comment often. Seek out new blogs and comment regularly. That's how people find you.
Enjoy! Sherry
Thank you so much for posting this. I have been secretly longing to have my own blog for EVER!!! I just did not know how to go about it ( I am very technically challenged) haha. You have set me free. I now have a blog as of today and I am soo excited!
Thank you for writing this...I do have my own blog, but since I'm just a 'stalker' and have never much commented, I don't have any followers except family...AND I WANT FOLLOWERS :D I do follow lots of blogs ~ I make cards, love anything vintage, and love reading blogs ~ your's is super nice and I'll be back. with I would've known about the name thing ~ but I love my dog BEAR, and she's so smart...so thus - thingsilearnfrombear was born.
Thank you, Jodi! I "stalked" a few bloggers just like you did for about 4 months and then I thought "I want to do this"...my daughter set me up in January but I was too chicken to start until March! LOL! I even still feel a little odd bec I feel like I am just a simple person ...nothing of any pompous that would be of interest to anyone!! Even so, I keep telling myself, this is just a journal and I should not care what other people think! :)
It is good to see what other gals think who have been in it for a while...no one is snickering up their sleeve at the newbies! :)
Hugs, Carolyn ~ Cottage Sunshine
My first time here to your wonderful blog and this post is fabulous! I'm going on one year with my blog now and getting started was intimidating.
Two great pieces of advice that I received last year:
1. Start working on your blog now, but wait a few weeks or months to share it with the world. This will give readers more material and an understanding of you and your blog theme, so they'll be anxious to come back and visit.
2. Reciprocate! Visit other blogs and especially those who visit you.
Love this!
Well.... I've stuck my little toe in the water! I set up an account and picked out a blog name. I guess the next step is to decorate, write a little and lay out the welcome mat. Thanks for the encouragement!
Another newbie poppin in to say a big THANK YOU for sharing! You have a beautiful spirit and blog! It amazes me how welcoming bloggerland is. Look at all these sweet comments! Can I say there are sooooo many folks who are both warm (inviting) AND cooel (creative)? I am mighty intimidated and still reluctant to dive in but enjoying the process. Just wish I had more time and less Blogger) Bu%%! teehee
hugs to all,
I just began my adventure here in Blogland and still hit bump in the road every now and then. Basically it is painless and so much FUN! Wish I had read this I would have used my name as the address. The coming up with a name was the most difficult part either someone was using it or it really didn't suit me. I'm happy with the name now but as you said 5 years from now will I be? Oh! well I will worry about that another day. Thanks
Thank you so much for this post! I am fairly new to the blog world. I was a lurker for awhile, just reading and enjoying beautiful pictures, then I found myself wishing I could be a part of this circle of amazing women. So, I made a leap and jumped in. (I'm still a little lost) I will say one thing, my laundry and housework is definitely suffering!
I have just read your "how to be a blogger" Thanks so much , I started my own blog back in February but still feel weird/awkward about what to say (or not!!!!)Your writing has 'given me permission' if you like to move forward and say more!!
Thankyou jo x
Dear Jodie, I`m so happy to meet you through Laughin with Angel, from my dear June. You are so nice to help others create their own blog, it`s so nice to have one and share one`s world. I`ve been blogging since August 2009 and I`m so happy I started after almost 9 months of enjoying so many blogs out there, and same as you, waiting for new posts from my favorite blogs. The best thing was I stopped buying so many decor magazines. This is a wonderful world of wonderful people sharing their lives, I love it so much.
Muchos cariños,
Maria Cecilia
Thank you so much for taking the time to inform us about blogging. I literally stumbled onto a blogging article after I goggled something. After that, I was hooked and became a blog stalker as you would call it...only not the dangerous kind. So, I was thinking that I am a crafty person and had great ideas that I actually act on sometime and I thought I could do this and then move on to Etsy... Lucky for me, I kind of like my blog's name (the first one I chose I didn't like it after I started to design it, so it is sitting dormant for now since you cant delete it), and it is only a few weeks old and I do not know what I am doing. So, I will be waiting for future posts so that I can make my blog as successful as yours. Thank you again! Missy
what a wonderful blog beautiful photos I have joined to follow you and have bookmarked you I use to be a advent collector and my home is all vintage decor
Thanks and I look forward in your future post
I just stumbled upon your blog. I just started a blog and have been feeling a little lost. This little post has definitely inspired me. Thanks for sharing it with all of us. P.S. If you ever get a free moment come visit me on my blog. I love comments!
Your blog has been added to the Blog Guidebook! You are such a great blog friend to everyone!
We're going to try to help blog newbies too!
Dear Jodie,
I just started my blog two months ago and I'd like you to visit it and have your "expert" opinion... if you don't mind. I kindly invite you to www.encasadetiagretel.blogspot.com.
Tía Gretel (Marta)
How cool are you?
I just found your blog and read this post and am so impressed with your generous and loving spirit!! I've been blogging a little over 6 months and completely agree with all you said. What a treasure you are :)
Your newest follower
treasures said...
Hi, and thanks for this great blog and advice. I am a newbie to blogging and my eyes have been opened to a whole new world. There are so many talented women. You are welcome to give me any advice. Thanks for supporting and encouraging so many women, and congrats on your anniversary!
Thanks. ~ Julie
Hi Jodie,
I love your blog! Your posts are always fun to read and so upbeat, which makes visiting here doubly lovely.
Though I'm new to blogging, I've been reading your blog for awhile. Thanks for putting all this advice out here. I've now become a "follower".
Thanks, Michelle
Oh, Jodie...how charming and dear of you to be so generous! I wish I'd read all this before I jumped into blogland seven months ago. I'm pleased with the progress I've made, but would have loved the support of someone in my corner. I'm signing up to follow along with you and perhaps one day I will have a few tips of my own to share with newcomers...
Thanks again,
I'm SOOOOOO happy to have found you!!!! I just started my blog this week. I jumped in head first!I got it all set up and then said, "um...... now what"? Now I kinda know!
Thank you so much!
Very helpful and fun post. I just started my second blog. One is for my family life, but the new one is all about my home, which I am passionate about. Your tips are helpful and freeing. Always in the back of my mind is me wondering how I will try and break into the blogger group of people. I just need to be myself and also do more than lurk (I do tend to just be a lurker), I need to put myself out there and give others the input I hope to eventually get for myself. Thank you again!
Thank you, thank you for your generous advice about blogging. I don't know if you were writing about me or to me!! LOL! I just started blogging a few months ago and have been learning by trial and error. Still haven't figured out quite how to do the templates, backgrounds and banner. I see it in my head, just can't quite get it on my page! I'm so happy to have found the blog world. It opens my heart!
All the best!
This post is such an inspiration. After I read it I started up and yes; yesterday evening I made a start. I did make an account last year but never took the time to make a good start. And last night I did. Thank you!!
I loved this and I have to admit that getting started at anything is the hardest part for me. Sometimes you just need a little "PUSH" and walla! you can swim better than you thought you could! I just jumped in, I didn't drown like I thought I would. I am still dog paddling, enjoying the float down the river of inspiration, creating, learning and making new friends, ...it's all good!
What a kind gesture for wannabe bloggers Jodie. This is my 1st visit to your blog and I LOVE the vintage look of it. TFS. ~Glen~ (in England)
I just started blogging afew months ago! Ck out my Blog, LizlovesVintage:)
Just found your blog today...it's wonderful! Wish I would have found it last fall though when I first started my blog. Eventhough it has been a lot of new stuff to learn I have to say it has been a wonderful experience and I am beginning to meet some very wonderful people out there in blogland :) I have come to really look forward to adding new posts and pics to my blog and of course Reading all the great blogs out there too. For those who haven't started a blog yet, jump in! It's takes a little bit to learn the how-tos but it is definitel worth it!
that was supposed to be "definitely" worth it...haha
Thank you for the wonderful post! I am new at this and your story was an inspiration!
Really, thank you!
Have a good night!
I know you are right !! I live in a very tiny place, didn't have contact with other women who like to try new things. And found blogger! A new world opened. I started June 2006 to blog and have now many, many friends with the same hobbies as I have all over the world!! Isn't is amazing? I Love bloggerworld :-)
Thanks for writing that. I just recently started blogging. I am trying to open up, right now my posts are short but I am trying. Please come say hello. I love your blog. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks, Kim :)
Jody wise words - I used to blog on the now defunct yahoo 360 and boy what fun we had, I have been seaching for the past couple of years to find a replacement blog host and here I am newly started on my reborn blog...Loved reading your tips I think the best advise is long as your got passion for for blog it will show through.
Ok Jody...you are ADORABLE!! And I am a new stalker of your blog!!! LOVE it!! I just started a new blog recently....my question is how do you promote your blog...get the word out to where people will "want" to follow you?? Just build it and they will come doesnt seem to be working!! LOL... Thanks for the advice...your a doll!!
I just startedblogging and it seems so overwhelming. I, too was a blog stalker and then took the plunge. but how do you get people to find you?
I saw your link on another blog. How nice you are doing this. I've been blogging for 2 and a half years. I was reluctant to start but boy has it been fun. Now I have two WordPress blogs and 2 and a half Blogger blogs. The 1/2 blog is Spiritual Sundays which I share with Ginger of Enchanting Cottage. I have met some of the most fantastic people in blogland. Who knew?
My best to you.
I am an absolute non-techie, so may I ask you a question? I do have a blog through Typepad, but that site will not work through my office computer, so I want to move it to Blogspot. If I type in "blogspot.com" it comes to a site called "BLOGGER".....is that the same thing? Do you know if my current blog banner and sidebars can be moved or do I have to start from scratch? I would also love to hear your comments about Blogspot vs Typepad??? I would truly appreciate anyone reading these comments to contact me as well? Thanks so much. Marcy
Thanks for being an inspiration and sharing advice on how to start a blog. I have actually started the blog today. I read your post a while ago and have finally taken the step. (Something that I have wanted to do for a while)
I started my blog when I was planning my wedding as a request by my maid of honor. I was so worried that I wasn't going to do it right.
I wound up changing the theme of the blog to deal with things in my life and my crafty projects. I don't post very often because I dont have a whole lot of time.
I saw this entry and I had to read it to see what it was all about. I am glad I did, because now I might schedule myself some blog time once a week to update!
Thanks for all of the advice!!!
Hi,I am new to blogging and new to your site,and I am very happy to meet you and run accross your blog post,and I am just thrilled to do this and want my blog to be a good one,so you guys will like me,but,i am a little scared and I need a new camera,but,enjoy mine too if you wish,you are a lot of help.Most of mine is litle stories about my life,but,I am by no means an intelligent girl or professional,so bare with me,and thanks so much for your help,I will be looking forward to reading more of your post.I love vintage,and am also obsessed.,thanks carol Branum,Lamar Mo. themofarmersdaughter.blogspot.com
Hi Jodie:
Long time since I've stopped by -- absolutely love your new blog design. Good advice. Professional help is great.... alas one day! Anyway I have added your beautiful button link, so whoever stops by can access this article. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you for your encouragement and advice! I am SO anxious and ready to begin blogging, but I'm still confused by the process. Thi past weekend I set up an ETSY shop!!!It is called "Tarnished Lace." That was the most challenging computer thing I have done. I still need to refine the photography. With your suggestions, my next step is to create a blog. I can't wait!!! Thank you!
Thank you for the sweet advise and encouragement, I am 3 months old in blog world and have been amazed at the women who welcome you in, spur you on in the pursuit of following a dream! I have been touched by so many in such a short period of time. Would love to someday be "stalked" by more amazing women on my blog!
Again Thank you!
My two cents worth of advice is to try to add pictures to each post. It makes it much more inviting when you see a pretty picture or some treasure you found, flower from your garden, etc.
You are truly an Angel to those starting out in Blogland - I was lucky enough to have my sister-in-law already there and my daughter to help me get set up (html what?!). I haven't read all of the 123 comments, but the only thing I would add is to leave comments on all the blogs that you feel share your interests - that is the way you will gather followers and from them you will find more blogs that will be of interest.
Blogland has opened up the world for me - it's wonderful to share my life with such fabulous people who also share my interests - none of my 'real' friends understand the stuff I make, so it's reassuring to know there are people out there that 'get' what I do.
Blogging is great!
Love your blog and for all the future bloggers out there, be real and have fun! Your imagination is your limit! :)
I have enjoyed your blog. Love the colors, etc. Question, how do you get so much blog traffic?
Thanks for the start your own blog advice, you made it seem so approachable!
This is the sweetest thing I've read - you seem like just the sweetest person! Blogger/Google should definately use this on their main web page. . . if they haven't already!
Your widget is going on my blog right now! Thank you!
This is the kindest thing ever! I am sure it will be so encouraging for a blogger beginner and also very very helpful.
I love your enthusiasm and your blog!
I am now a follower :)
Come visit me too
Very nicely done!!
This will be big help to those starting out.
barbara jean
I've only recently discovered blogging and think of it as my new hobby. I didn't know there were so many like-minded people. I tried starting my own, but don't know what I've done right or wrong. Reading here I feel much better. THANX FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT!!!
I forgot to leave my blog name. "Wanna be vintage.blogspot"
Thank you You have just inspired me, I was about to give up on my blog as no one hardly ever reads me or follows but after reading you I feel I want to give it a proper go again.
Well this is a wonderful post, I have been wanting to start a blog for months and months but have been absolutely terrified to, not because of the tech issues,that I am ok with. I just love sharing and trading secrets and tips about crafting, baking, scrapbooking, vintage finds and makeovers, and more. I am ok if I don't get tons of comments and followers, I would like to have that but I'm ok if I don't, especially right away. I want to meet new people who have ideas to offer and it just seems like soooo much fun! My biggest fear is ...I don't want to bore anyone....reading your post just boosted my wanting to start a blog even more. I have been searching all over the net for help and here I found some when I wasn't even looking for it, was actually checking out your blog lol Thanks so much for taking the initiative to reach out to others who want to join in but are too afraid, I think I am going to sign up for an account right now, I don't know if I'll write anything but it's a start! Thanks again!
So this morning, I make it a goal to have a blog going by the end of the month. After searching "vintage" I come across this post at just the right time!
My blog is now built and maybe a little nakie still, but the first post has been crafted and the door is now open.
Thank you for the encouragement you gave to all of us out there. It pushed me to get this done today.
oh......and.........Please stop by for a visit! :)
Thank you!
My experience of a blog site was to give it a go & keep pushing buttons until it worked. It was a true trial & error technique with a bit of google how to do it thrown in. We all get there in the end with a bit of fun & learning thrown in. We all learn from each other & share that knowledge when we learn it. Just give it a go!
I am so impressed with your blog. I started reading it thinking to myself, 'well I'll just glance at this one too' and felt myself captivated by what you had written because it ALL pertained to me. I can relate to all of it. I just started my blog and I wish I had read your post FIRST. But none the less, I will trudge on and improve along the way. I love perusing blogs and seeing all that is out there, thank you for your advice and future blogging frinedship.Maybe you will stop by my blog too someday.
The post you wrote about helping new bloggers was so nice! I am new to blogging just started about 2 weeks ago, Karen Valentine created my blog for me she was wonderful to work with. It was nice hearing your story of when you started. Last night I received my first comment and boy was I in heaven my husband thought I was nuts jumping up and down yelling "someone wrote to me"! It is slow in getting start and cant wait until I receive more comments but I do know it takes time. Thank you again for welcoming new bloggers.
I would just like to say THANK YOU Jodie for the inspiration! I just started blogging last weekend & was feeling a bit discouraged thinking no one is ever going to read my blog. So thank you for making me feel like there is a hope in the world for us newbie bloggers! :) I felt so inspired I posted a new entry today. Thank you!!!
I just came across your blog today...and oh how I wish I had found you months ago! I too started a blog and have rarely posted because...why...I DON'T KNOW! I have been following so many other blogs for several months and find them so inspiring, but finding MY OWN inspiration has been tough for some reason. Thank you for this helpful post! Reading it along with all of these comments is just the encouragement I need!
ok still newbie here, although I have been blogging for a while although somewhat inconsistently. I am having trouble. The only follower I have is myself, although I do have friends and family from facebook that comment some. I am following blogs, although lately when i click follow on a blog it says i am following them, but does not show up under my list of people I am following. I have checked all my settings and feel that I have things set up correctly to recieve views. What more do I do?
Jodie thank you for this post. I have been thinking about starting a blog for the past year but have been paralyzed by not knowing how to start. Your post has motivated me to dive in and give it a try. I kept thinking that no one wants to read about a 50 something woman trying to figure out how to find herself and her interests again after years of taking care of family and working and losing the essence of who she is. But I had a light bulb moment when I read your post and I now see that my blog can be my open journal to help me through the process. Thank you!
Well I did it! Your post encouraged me to start a blog of my own. I will admit it I was/am a blog stalker. I am still confused on alot of things but I think I will learn more soon. Thanks for this post.
I have just discovered your blog toaday, and Yes you have inspired me. I have been thinking about writing a blog for a few months now. I am also in love with vintage and I will be writing about that and decorating and living a creative life. I love the look of your blog. I hope to be able to make a beautiful blog too.
Thank you!!
Whoa! Lots of advice. I did not read every one's advice...it will take me awhile... I have been blogging almost two years and it has really given me so much and improved my wrting skills.
My best advice was to have a "test blog", so when you are searching for cute back grounds and learning the variables of "design" on the blogger site, it gives you a safe place to test and experiment.
I still have the same plain colored background on my orignal blog, and have changed the color of my second, but nothing really fancy. I mainly add "gadgets" and new "header" pictures.
Since blogger changed to "Design" I have had to take longer to familiarize myself with it. I am experimenting with my test blog and may make some changes this coming year...who knows...
I have found so many fellow bloggers are so generous and helpful, and I thank all of them for helping me along the way...
I have helped two friends, over the phone, who lived on the other side of the US to set up blogs, so it is not that difficult. Even if you start off simple, like mine is, the important thing is to get started. You will benefit and become friends with such wonderful people, you will question yourself why you did not get started sooner!
Good luck!!
Thank you so much for posting this blog encouragement. I am just starting and today I got my first comment from Melissa at Seagrass Interiors. Wow, I am empowered now!
So excited to keep learning and moving ahead.
Thanks to all of you who take the time to help us beginners.
Patsy theloveofcountry.blogspot.com
Just started blogging about 6 months ago and I love it. I feel empowered and express my perspective on the world around me with my own sense of sass and humor. Life is too short not to laugh everyday.
Generous spirits are always appreciated as well.
CJ Cohn @ SuburbanFamiliar.blogspot.com
I recently started a blog, a few months ago, and it really is a lot of fun. And you really do make new friends - people aren't just saying that! I can honestly say that blogging has enriched my life. My one caution, though, is that it can become addictive!
thank you for your beautifull post!!! I'm a new blogger and your words are what are in my mind!baci!!!
Loved this post, I came over from my Desert Cottage, it's listed on her sidebar and I thought I'd click on to see what it was all about. Oh, how I wish someone had done this when I started blogging about three years ago. Boy was I scared but my son Michael said "The computer not going to blow up mom...do it" So I took his advice and never looked back, it has been so much fun, I know I'm not the best out there but that's okay, I keep it real and have fun and that's the most important thing♥
All I can say is WOW! I'm a new one also and this is what I love about blogging - people like you that are true inspirations! I have just stumbled upon your beautiful blog. As a 50+ mom of 4 I was nervous at first. But what a wonderful, warm happy place this blogland is for me! I just had my first comment today after 60 days of blogging and it made my day! And now my 23 year old daughter just recently started her blog. We have so much fun sharing notes and giving each other tips.
Your blog is beautiful! Thank you for making the world and blogland a better place!
I, too, am new on the blogging scene, having just started a week or so ago. Your words and advice are soooooo REAL, so genuine. Thanks for doing this. It was inspiring and made me feel that, yes, I can do this and make it worthwhile, for me and for others. I look forward to following your blog and seeing what's new!
I hope this is the right place, have never posted a comment. Have been lurking. You have inspired me to start a blog about living in the woods, growing things, my dogs, sewing and making things. Look for me soon in the house of beautiful dogs. Thank you so much for your words of encouragement. I hope my blog will be half as beautiful as yours. Thanks! Linda
Thank you for the tips and advice. Hopefully when I am ready, I can set up a blog as fun and inspring as yours.
OMG, I am so glad to find you. Your story sounds very similar to mine. I have been "lurking" for ages...reading, reading, reading...and saving lovely images down that made my heart flutter. I feel like I have found a "home" for my writing, passions, and the images running through my mind. I had no idea how to blog and finally just jumped in and decided to do the best I could along the way. I'm learning, but I have so far to go. I look forward to making the journey with another new friend and getting to know you along the way.
Romantic Domestic
After 1 year I find you and your blog, I love this post. I'm a wannabe blogger, started just in January and I'm very afraid, first because English is my second language, second because I'm not good with words and third I'm afraid no body is going to like what I do. I don't have many followers yet and I already decided to have a giveaway, I'm excited. Thank you for your words of encouragement. i will follow your blog from now on (because I love your blog). Thank you so much. XXXX Ido
Thank you for your advice, while I've had a blog for sometime I never post on it because I don't have many followers and really haven't have much time. Maybe....?
Hi there. I found your blog through a Facebook post and I have to say I LOVE it! I have a blog but I have no clue what I am doing sometimes. My biggest problem is taking photos, I just can't seem to get them right. Can you give some advice on that aspect of the blog? Your help and advice is very inspiring and greatly appreciated!
what a great idea. I remember in the beginning I counln't get off this thing & was amazed at how much talent has been hidden befor the internt.. I have met some of the most amazing & talanted ladies from the blogging community as well as few not so amazing... blogging is a whole new wold that everyone should experience. xo Laura
Fantastic post. Blogging is easy and fun and you take the scary out of blogging for the newbies. I wish I had read this post before I procrastinated starting my blog for months!
Thank you for taking the time to write this, and your fantastic blog!
Im totally new to blogging and still wrapping my head into this whole "blogging thing" Trying to understand if people really care what I have to say! But, I love what you had to say, so maybe someone out there will care what I have to say! LOL. Awesome post!
Hi there! i really like your vint5age blogs..actually i am seeking for the fabric creation idea...can u post me a picture of new creation using the laces and knitting combines into one.
thank you so much
felice ku
Your blog, Starting a New Blog 101, has been so useful. I am posting a link to it from my blog so other new bloggers can find it. Thank you for writing such good suggestions.
- Joy
I am a new blogger and have been posting everyday for about two weeks now. I am enjoying the process of photographing and sharing so much! Thank you for the encouragement and nice comments. There are so many beautiful blogs out there and they inspire me. My blog is a work in progress as I learn to create what I picture my blog to look like in my mind. Thank you and others who are seasoned bloggers for the advice and encouragement. You give us the courage to go forward and share our hopes, dreams, and the things that we love with others. xoxo Kim
Hi Jodie-
Thank you for posting this. I am new to blogging and still a little unsure of how it all works. I so enjoy hearing words of wisdom for those that have been at it for a while. Your blog is lovely!
Hi Jodie,
I just found your blog and am now following you. This is exactly how I felt when I first got my blog, didn't know what I was doing and didn't think anyone would follow me.
Thanks so much, wonderful blog.
Lovingly, Lu
Hello Jodie, I'm your newest follower and I'm so excited about reading through your blog. I stated my blog late last year and continue to enjoy blogging and reading others blogs. There is such a wealth of information and creativity out there. I have actually changed up my decor and added so many of the ideas I have found in blogland. To those who are just starting out (not that I'm an old pro or anything lol) I would just say, just go for it. It's like paint, if you don't like how it looks, start over. I started and restarted 6 times lol.
Hello! This was so nice to read, and like others here I am also very new to the blogging world, and after much lurking, and admiring, have finally decided to jump in and just do it! Most of your advice I had already figured out - usually the hard way :-)
Miss Linda
fantastic advice!
I'm so glad I found you. your post was wonderful. I cant wait to start visiting the gals that left comments.
I am SO pleased to find you and THANKS for the encouragement ~ I started a couple of months ago and have felt like throwing in the towel sometimes but you have inspired me to keep calm and carry on!
Karen @ Lavender and Lovage
good information....keep posting.
Thank you, thank you, and....thank.you! I have been pondering, and chewing, and digesting the possibility of blogging, but I've been trepidatious about creaking that door open a bit and looking inside. Your blog is fantastic and I will be visiting regularly. Thank you for the pep post and e-hug....you are wonderful.
Thank you so much for this post. I am new to the blogging world even though I have been writing my own little journals for years. I would really love it if you would take a look at my first blogs, I just started this week. Once again, thank you. I will visit often!
Well, here I am calling in for the umpteenth time to see your creations and enjoy your commentary. My name is Helen Woodward and I live in Queensland Australia. I have just started my own blog with wordpress. I love anything vintage. I am a professional writer and editor and had this idea that I could incorporate my poetry into a vintage theme...I'm trying, but I go overboard with collage and background.
I love what you and so many others do with your blogs and I'm learning something new everyday...THANK YOU ALL!!
This is my first time visiting your blog. I found you through Vintage with Laces. This is a great post. I felt the same way when I started blogging a little over a year ago. Where were you when I needed you?!? I am still learning new things. I haven't read all these comments, but would like to add that if you do use any photos or verbage from a fellow blogger (or a magazine/article/ or elsewhere), be sure to give them credit and maybe even a link to the site. Also, it is best if you ask permission before you use it. Most really don't mind and really do appreciate the courtesy! Good luck to you all! Connie
What a great post. I wish I had met someone like you when I started. Initially it was daunting and I used to take hours leaving comments with no response, then it's like a light coming on and yes, people are interested in hearing what you say. It's a big world out there and it's great to be able to visit people daily. People that you will never probably meet but feel a wonderful connection with.
I can't recommend it highly enough, blogging that is, and you assisting people here is a wonderful selfless gesture.
our newest UK follower.
Di :-)
Thanks for the encouragement. I have started a blog, slightly different subject but as a creative woman I am giving it my best.
Hi, Thank you for the advice. I'm still in the early stages of blogging, I'm more of a stalker at the moment!
I read that I should copyright my blog because of a story of someone who copied another blog word for word and ended up getting more followers than the original blog.
SUCH a great post, and
I am sure that you words rang true with so many. I too love the "story" that unfolds, and in our busy world the connections with other like-hearted women is so priceless. It reminds me of an old timey quiting group, where women shared their stories and supported eacah other, all the while making something beautiful for their homes.
Blessings ~ Eileen @ Star's Fault
Hey there :o) just dropping by to say Love the lay out of your blog and have added your button to my blog, new to all really and laughed at your comment about stalking lol but following does feel a bit like that ha ha ! ... Please drop by my blog N if ya feel like it leave a line or two any comment is appreciated or hint or tip.. huge hugs Mark ..
I like your blog about all the vintage things..i would like to suggest http://www.anemos.in has many vintage ceiling fans available at affordable rate which can enhance your home in a look that can be more royal.
Hi, thanks for the advice on vintage blogs. I actually have one at Vintage Chalet which is a blogger platform and I enjoy writing on it.
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vintage photo collage Pretty good post. I just stumbled upon your blog and wanted to say that I have really enjoyed reading your blog posts. Any way I'll be subscribing to your feed and I hope you post again soon. Big thanks for the useful info.
Those of you who stalk and lurk your favorite blogs and long to be part of this beautiful family of {crazy} friends.
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