Wednesday, September 3, 2008

We're Okay!

Just a short note to let everyone know that we survived Gustav without a scratch! With a few shingles missing off the gazebo/patio area, we were very fortunate. The eye of the hurricane passed right near us as a category 2. We must have been on the good side (if there is any good side) because this hurricane was minor compared to the two last ones we had within the last five years. However, there was substantial damage and at least two deaths within 10 miles from where I live.  I live in Eunice, which is directly South Central Louisiana and the eye was right upon us, but at an angle instead of a direct northern hit. I only took one picture of the back yard because it was too hard to open the door without it swinging open with the wind & pressure...

CSC_0044 We were without electricity for about 24 hours. Some will be out at least until the weekend. Our generator kept us cool and comfortable. As I write this on Live Writer, do not have internet yet. I can't wait to catch up on everyone's daily posts!

All in all, we are fine and I thank all of you for emailing me and keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. Now we are praying for those who will be in contact with hurricane Hanna that will soon hit the eastern coast and hurricane Ike which I don't know where he is going as of now...I am sooo burnt out on watching the weather channel! It is so addicting to watch when there is a hurricane approaching. I watch it until we loose power, get stress out, & get sleep deprived! If you don't hear from me soon, I am catching up on my most needed rest and then back to work to make up for the days we were closed!!!!

Hope everyone had a better Labor Day Weekend than me...although I am thankful to be posting this today!

PS...I'm also thankful and happy to say that although I missed my computer and reading everyone's blog posts, I was able to sign up for one Silver Bella Swap before it was full and I am still anxiously awaiting the birth of my niece/nephew!

1 comment:

Sandra Evertson said...

Holy Holy! Thank goodness!
Sandra Evertson