The clock just doesn't stop, doesn't it?
Well, not for me at least.
I just keep spinning a web that never seems to end, all the while I am determined that 2011 will be a GREAT year.
I've had so much fun preparing for the Christmas holidays, enjoying festive parties, relishing in the company of my family and friends BUT...
before I knew it...
It was all over.
There was so much preparation and such a busy holiday schedule, but it was SO worth it and I loved every second of it.
I have so many happy (& not-so-happy) memories.
It was a holiday that I'll hold dear, never to be forgotten.
I've put my heart on the edge of breaking for the sake of the people I love, but it was worth the risk.
Sometimes, taking a risk is worth it and prevents one from making the same mistakes over and over.
In the past month, I've learned things since and...
I have grown wiser.
If you are wondering if my Christmas decorations are still out...they are.
I still light up the house every evening when I return from work.
I'm sure soon I'll slowly start taking it down...but what's the rush?
I really think it should be Christmas every day...
No, not the expense of it...but the JOY of it!!!!
So far, I am 16 days into the new year and MANY things have changed already!
Without making any resolutions or promises to myself or others,
I prayed for a sign to lead me in the right direction for the new year...
and I got it!
Do you see the PEACE sign above?
Funny...I really didn't even have to look hard for was right there in front of me the whole time :)
(it's amazing what I see through my camera lens!)
I am living life, enjoying every second and I'm determined to be POSITIVE and at PEACE!
Changes were made at work...LOVE it!
Changes were made in my eating habits...not-so-loving-it but it needed to be done.
Changes were made mentally...learning to accept the things I cannot change.
Changes were made physically...walking and bike riding does a body (& a brain good)!!!
But most importantly, my biggest change wasn't a "change" at all.
It was remembering who I AM.
Sometimes in life and also in the blog world too, it is easy to forget "who" we really are.
There are all kinds of influences, trends, fads and temptations and before you know are sitting front and center on the bandwagon.
I can say this because I know this.
It's happened to me and although the ride was good, I'm over it.
I'm not much of a follower. I never was.
And I wouldn't even call myself a leader.
But I AM a friend and a great CHEERleader!
I've met some beautiful people along the way and for that I am grateful.
Sometimes it's hard to appreciate the new growth when we are covered in rust...know what I mean?
We get set in our same old routines and then we start thinking life is boring...
It's not boring at all!
It's all what WE make of it, and the possibilities are endless!
If I don't succeed in anything else today, I hope at least I'll light a fire under your butt to step back, take a breath, and ask yourself...
Are you where you want to be today?
If so...I'm so happy for you, I love your PEACE!!! :)
If's never too late to be YOU! :))
I am determined to never let another night fall without being grateful for who I am, what I've accomplished with my own two hands, having people in my life who love me and most of all...praying that I never forget it!!!!
Not even for a second!
I apologize for being absent for a month but I really needed to regroup and think about which road I will take next.
My computer is not attached to the edge of my fingers but I do hope to start posting often again.
My blog is very important to is my soul and I have no intentions of giving it up.
I appreciate that you visit and I love love LOVE hearing from you.
Thanks to all of you who checked up on are awesome!
I'm so looking forward to spending 2011 with you...
if this is where you choose to be *wink wink!!!!
Great post Jodie! May much peace and happiness be with you always.
Lovely thoughts on peace, Jodie...glad you've given yourself some space this last month...a very important thing to do!
Thanks for sharing a bit of your journey with us today...
Welcome back, Jodie!
I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering when we would hear from you.
Sounds like you are going through a period of positive change.
You have done just exactly what, I think, we should all do at the year's end. Take stock of ourselves and the things we do. Set our priorities and then enjoy and move on. Congrats to you. Glad you are back.
I have missed your posts so much Jodie. Welcome back. I wish you peace for the new year.
One of he reasons I think you are great is because of your honesty!
I love this Judy Garland quote, "Be a first rate version of yourself, not a second rate version of someone else" (may have paraphrased a bit, but you get the idea....
Hellllooooo Jodie, so nice to hear from you! I just love the part of your post where you found your peace!
Take it easy, I know I am looking at life through a different lens, a calmer, more clear, and easy on myself one.....take time for me and for family and life........
blogging without pressure!!!
We've missed you! Welcome back. Beautiful post. We need to all remember to be true to ourselves, it is the only life worth living. Thanks for the reminder! PEACE my friend!
Good to hear from you! I talked to Karen and she said you were resting....sometimes we need to step back and breathe! Have a good week!
Thanks for sharing your heart and soul with us Jodie. I'm so glad that you are back and I look forward to your next post.
I am glad your back... rumor had it you were on a month long drinking binge. :O
I knew better... ;)
Tee hee!
Just kidding,JODIE... a little shock value never hurts someone with your great sense of humor...
Happy New Year to you too! :)
Your old pal,
Peace sure would be nice:) I have been being busy these first 16 days, 5 of which I was snowed in! I have been cleaning everyday some part of my house that bothers me! Dusting EVERYTHING which I don't like to do! Instead of saying, "I need to do something", "I need to visit somebody"... I am just doing it! One thing that I am determined to do this year IS ENJOY EVERY SINGLE MOMENT! Not to look and count the days 'til the NEXT big day but enjoy THIS day:) I love you bunches, miss you terribly and happy to see you in my sidebar when you post! God be with you always in everything you do! T
Soul searching is soo good for us that you found peace right close to Home too!
Welcome Back.
Very thoughtful and positive words.Thank you for the reminder to stay true to who we are; in our hectic world it is so easy to lost ourselves in the crowd...I've found your blog at the right time ,I have just started mine .I wish you bright and peaceful year!
Happy New Year Jodie,
Thank you for sharing your journey with us. I've started my own journey this year; determined that 40-ish (LOL) was long enough to wait. See you on the road less traveled.
True to yourself, that will always bring peace. I wish I was sitting next to you in front of the fire sipping a little sumthin and laughing our A#$ off. Saying what we feel and enjoying the company. Ah... true peace. Unfortunately I will be starting a 45 hour a week job in February with an hour commute each way. Oh well, maybe I will find peace on the drive, haha. Missing you girl!
It's kinda funny...when I first started visiting your blog (over a year ago) I really skimmed over the words and mostly looked at the I look forward to reading every word! I still love the pictures...but you are so encouraging and personable. I hope our paths cross again sometime this year!
Hello sweet Jodie.....Sounds like you've been doin' some soul searchin'. We all need to do that from time to time...cause we can really get off track. Remember.....there is only ONE YOU!! and you are perfect just as you are.
Wonderful words! It is so important to be yourself and accept and believe in yourself. I like the steps you are taking. I am on my own journey and so happy to hear your words, they have encouraged me to continue.
Hi Jodie!
I know exactly what you mean!!
Would love to go walking and talking with you...would make the exercise time fly and I might drop a few at the same time!
Missed you and hope you really are at peace. Our New Year had a bumpy start but am hoping it gets better!
Thanks so much for being open with us!! I wish you much peace....I love it in the have a beautiful eye. Thanks for being you.
Life happens...and sounds like you are living it! Lovely thought-provoking post!
I missssssed you. I've posted more than you have this year. Whoooaah!
Glad to see you back Jodie but so glad you took some time for yourself!!
Here's to a wonderful 2011!!
Hello my little chickadee! I am so glad to see you posted again. Thanks for your visit too. I've thought about you so often and wondered what you have been up to, praying all is well and that you just needed time. I love this post as it is oh so true! My mission is the same each and every day. Sometimes I get a little bit lost along the way but then I regroup and recharge and figure things out. Wishing you all the best always, Tammy
Hi Jodie,
How happy to have stopped by tonight to catch up with you. The holidays got away with me as well. I guess I say away with me, because it was such a wonderful time with family. I am so glad to hear that you LOVED it this year. Your home was so amazingly decorated Jodie! I think you should take your sweet time undecorating it. It's too lovely to pack away.
Since you asked...I love where I am in my life right now (I don't have a choice much)but even if I did, I would want it to be just the way it is)) I relish everyday. I want that for my daughters. I took too much time in my young life to find out who June really was, and it wasn't until I turned 31 that I got a hint of who that girl might be and what she was made of. God always has known how to get my attention. I'm so glad He did!!! Enjoy this time of discovery Jodie...and blessings in the new year.
love to you...
Jodie -
I have so much I want to say I think it needs to be an email-
So nice to see you back here Jodie. While you were re-grouping I have been busy posting my birthday month. Whew, it's a lot of work. I've got to hand it to you that you could do everydaY!!!
I know exactly what you mean about being authentic and there is such a relief in being so and not being pulled along in a fad. Artful Blogger mag says to ask yourself these 2 questions: "Who are you?" and "What do you want to day?" I am working to have those front and center when I post.
Thanks for all the inspiration dear one!
rest assured you're not alone in your comtemplative mood. thanks for putting your feelings into words and making those of us sharing your state-of-being feel comforted.
best wishes for the year ahead.
Beautiful post darling girl.
I'm not sure where I'll be at year's end. All I know is to follow the steps that are being laid out and pray that I don't stumble or miss one along the way.
I'm missing you.
Glad to see you are back to posting. Being yourself is a difficult thing & I am right there with you. It is easy to get caught up. But, if it doesn't fit... kind of like a shoe... it doesn't always feel good. Love your insight. Look forward to seeing what you are going to share for 2011. Hope you'll stop by & say HI! Charlene
Well Hello there Girly.. What a great post.. Sounds like you took a little time to your self to re-group.. Good for you..
I love that you want a little peace in your life.. I have been after that same thing.. I am really trying to live in the moment lately, and not worry about yesterday or tommorow.. Be happy for today! I have a little sign in my craft room to remind me that says.. "Don't Let Your Yesterday use up too much of Today!
I hope you get all the peace that this day will bring you!
Hugs, Linda
Glad you are back!-only day before yesterday, I found your blog, to see if I missed something!!!, but now you are here again.
It was good reading your thoughts, AND doing some myself!- You are so right, we shall have piece with us and our lives- alwayes being thankfull and take it to our hearts, that we are.
Hugs, Dorthe
Hi Jodie! I love this post!!! You have such a way with words. I think a new year really helps us step back and take a look at where we are, mentally, physically, spiritually. I'm glad you have made some discoveries. It's always good for the soul to take stock.
Peace... yes, that is a good word. I try to make it my mantra every day. I choose not to watch the news, because it just depresses me. (My hubby does enough of it for both of us) and I tend to try to live in my little bubble. Hey, it works for me!
I too believe that this is going to be a fabulous year. There are many exciting things coming up, and one of them is finally getting to meet my girls this Spring!!!
I also think you should enjoy those Christmas decorations for as long as you want to!!! (I only just took mine down this weekend)If we could all just keep Christmas in out hearts all year, there would be a lot more happy people walking around!!
Luv you!
My friend - you know my thoughts!
I am THRILLED about one particular life change you've made - BURGER KING! :) (hehehe)
Love you! Me.
Hi Jodie,
It's good to know everything is ok. As I read on, you are dead on with this post. We sometimes forget so easily who we are and who we want to be in this crazy world we live.I thank you for this post.
xx Liz
Hi happy I saw that you had a new post - and so happy that I actually had time to sit and catch up! You are so transparent with your writing and I love how your words resonate truth to so many of us fellow bloggers. You are a gem!
I am so glad you have shared this bit of yourself with us and that it makes us take a look at our own lives and how we live them, and if this IS the life we want to live. Thank you for the reflection time it has put in our own lives!
Here's to a great 2011 and to many more exciting and thrilling things to come!
xo Rochelle
Hi Jodie
So glad you have made some good choices for you, and I hope you enjoy all of your new endeavors. Your house was so beautiful, I see no reason to take it all down so soon.
I am finally catching up from the past year, and it feels good not to do anything... today it is snowing and the house is quiet and cozy. I will sit here with my tea and catch up.
Blessings to you my dear
Thrilled I found you today and such a lovely post full of inspiration and kindness.Warmest Regards,Cat
Sometimes we all need a break. So glad to see you are "back".
I'm so glad you just took a little break, Jodie! I was really getting worried. I love your post. You just know how to express your feelings. I had some of your thoughts myself lately and so I think, I can understand very well what you are talking about.
Big HUGS to you, girlfriend
Just wanted to know you were missed......loved your post and wishing you a very happy new year!!!!!
I missed you and your wonderful blog. Thanks for the kick in the butt.
Glad you are back and sounds like you had a busy, but wonderful last few weeks.
You are a great Cheerleader!
I don't know you that well yet, but I feel from your blog that you are there for others. That your blog is part of you that you share with us.
Thank you!
Love you and miss you, too!!!
It's very, very nice :D
Hi sweet girl, the wonderful thing about our blogs is that they are OURS! We can post every day....or post when we get in the mood...or post every three months ~ our lives always dictate how much time we have to devote to blogging, don't they?? Blogging fills a creative space in me ~ a meeting place for so many other creative friends! Don't worry about a thing, we love you and will be here whenever you have time to share your life...hugs and love, Dawn
Jodie my sweet,
Even if you blog once every six months it doesn't matter. It's quality, not quantity. And every post of yours I read gives me cause to reflect on my own life. Where your at right now mirrors me pretty much too. It is easy to get caught up in this beautiful place, where things aren't always real. But know this...our friendship is real in this blog world & in real life. I love you sister!
Lisa Marie
Hi Jodie, I love this post! You have sparked a fire under me and I thank you for that!
such a cute blog!
Hey girlfriend! It is hard to get back into the swing of things. ;o) Thanks for the reminder to love who we are!
hugz, Z
Hi Jodie,
So glad to see a post from you, have really been wondering how you were and what you were up too. Glad to hear everything is fine and you are finding peace. I agree with every word you have said. Missed you lots.
Hey sweet girl!! I rather you be YOU than anything else. Cheers to being a CHEERleader and all of the fun that life brings. Wishing you all the best! xxoo
Dearest Jodie,
What a great post-I needed to read this today! I have been doing a great deal of soul searching lately and your words touched my heart. I have been grappling with my writing and my natural tendancy to laziness (not a good combination I assure you). I continue to search for God's will in my life and being something of a slow learner I am slowly getting it:). Hope all is well in Louisiana! Miss you!
Kim (and Kramer)
Hi Jodie.......just wanted to check guilt here....just a friendly hello and wanted to let you know I miss you and want to make sure everything is haven't been having any encounters with glitter....have you?????? Just wanted to make sure you are ok......
Jodie....We miss you!! Nuff' said!!!
Breaks over girl. It is time to come back and say hi. No fab post, just hello! Love you, Pam (Oh and maybe a teeny photo?)
Hello Miss Jodie wherever you might be :-).
Just stopping by to wish you a most happy Valentine's Day.
Big hugs,
Sharon and Miss Gracie too
thinking of you and missing you. Hope all is well.
P.S. Come Baaaaaaack!
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