Monday, August 4, 2008

I'm so stupid...


I waited...and she (my 'birthday' sister) received her package today that I have been so anticipating for her to receive...  (the earlier post).

Here's how it went this evening before I got home:

Answering machine: Hey Jodie, I just received my package and I love it! The jewelry you made me is so beautiful, I love the bracelet but I am not sure what to do with the earrings as my ears are not pierced. I wish they were so I could wear them...but unfortunately they are not, so what would you like me to do with them? Just give me a call and let me know...Love & Miss Ya'll, Karen"

(she's 48) Why didn't I know that? I have been her sister for 37 the heck did I miss that? Augh, I made earrings for someone who has NO holes in her ears and she's my sister????? Geez I'm a looser!

And more bad news...are you ready? I stopped by at Barbara's (my jewelry loot lady & BFF) this evening...but stupid me drove the Corvette, again! I forgot and couldn't take the loot home again today. Is it the heat here in Louisiana or is Tropical Edouard sucking up all the oxygen in the air?

Thank goodness I can get on Silver Bella Yahoo and get cheered up again when reading all the exciting and funny comments and stuff...I can't wait until November!

Tomorrow will be a better day! (I am closing my eyes and trying to believe that it will)

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